Traveling with children can sometimes feel challenging, particularly in situations where waiting or being confined to a small space is unavoidable. However, with a little creativity, these moments can be turned into a fun and enjoyable experience for both kids and parents.
In this article, we’ll explore a variety of exciting and interactive finger games that are perfect for travel situations. From simple counting games to imaginative storytelling adventures, these no-equipment finger games will transform waiting time into a memorable and enjoyable part of your journey.
Finger Games:
- Hot Hands: One player places their hands palms up, while the other places their hands palms down on top. The bottom player tries to tap the backs of the opponent’s hands before they can pull them away.
- Patty Cake: A classic childhood favourite, this game involves clapping hands together in a rhythmic pattern.
- Rock Paper Scissors: A popular game for resolving disputes, players use hand gestures to represent rock, paper, or scissors. Rock loses to paper, paper loses to scissors, and scissors lose to rock.
- Thumb War: “One, two, three, four, I declare a thumb war!” Two players interlock their hands and wrestle each other’s thumbs, trying to pin the opponent’s thumb for a count of three.
- Bottom’s Up: A game for a group of kids, where they stack their hands on top of each other’s and the bottom player quickly pulls their hand out and places it on top of the stack. There is no winner to this one, the game simply continues as the kids go on pulling out the bottom hand and stacking it at the top of the pile
- Odd and Evens: Place an object ca. 1 m behind each player. Players face each other, showing one or two fingers behind their back. They reveal their fingers simultaneously, and if the sum is an even number, the even player stays in place, while the odd player takes a step back. The first player that steps back to an object behind them is the loser.
- Shadow Puppets: Using a light source, such as a flashlight or sunlight, create shadow puppets on a wall by manipulating your hands.
- Five Fun Facts: Squeeze each finger while sharing a fun fact about yourself or someone else. Start with the thumb and move through each finger.
- Five Words: Starting with a word, squeeze each finger and state a word associated with the main word.
- Finger-to-Elbow Game: Sit facing each other, and one player closes their eyes while the other moves their finger slowly from the index fingertip up to the elbow. The player with closed eyes guesses when the finger reaches the elbow.
- Guess the Letter: One player draws a letter in their hand, and others try to guess the letter.
Nursery Rhymes with Finger Games
There are old time favourites that children love to repeat again and again: “The Itsy Bitsy Spider,” “Five Little Monkeys,” “This Little Piggy,” and “Round and round the garden.”
Word Games and Spot Games:
- Talk to the Animal: Players ask questions to guess the animal character nominated for the round. The first one to correctly guess the animal gets to go next.
- Word Association: Players respond with the first word that comes to mind after hearing a word.
- I-Spy: One player gives clues about something they spy, and others try to guess it.
- Clouds: Observe clouds and imagine shapes or objects they resemble.
- Yes-No Game: Choose a guesser, and players take turns clockwise. While the guesser waits, others think of an object or animal and reach a consensus. Then, the guessing begins. The guesser can only ask questions that elicit “Yes” or “No” responses. Using these answers, they must guess the chosen object or animal.
Pen and Paper Games:
- Tic-Tac-Toe: Draw a grid and take turns marking Xs and Os to get three in a row.
- Capture the Squares: Connect dots to form squares and put initials inside the completed squares. The player with the most initials wins.
- Exquisite Corpse: Fold a sheet of paper into thirds, and each player draws a part of a creature without knowing the other parts. Unfold to reveal the collective creation.
- Hangman: One player thinks of a word or phrase and others guess it by suggesting letters. Incorrect guesses result in drawing parts of a stick figure
Memory Games:
- Remember what you see: Put your observation skills against others in this memory game. Stare in a chosen direction for 30 seconds, then turn around and write down everything you remember seeing. The player with the longest and most detailed list wins.
- I Went to the Shop and Bought: Each player adds an item to the list and recites the previous items before adding their own.
- Disappearing Objects – Guess What’s Missing: Display a group of objects for 20 seconds and let your kids memorize them. Ask them to turn around and close their eyes while you remove one or two objects. When they turn back around, they must identify the missing object(s). For toddlers, use 6-10 items, and for older kids, start with 10+ items and gradually increase the number of missing objects.
When traveling with children or in situations where they need to wait or pass a few minutes, engaging them with games can keep them busy and entertained. Finger games, word games, and pen and paper games are all great options that require no equipment. These games foster creativity, cognitive skills, and social interaction among children. Whether it’s playing “Hot Hands” or “Tic-Tac-Toe,” these games provide endless fun and learning opportunities. So the next time you find yourself in a situation where you need to keep your children occupied, try out these games and watch their faces light up with joy and excitement. Happy gaming!