When it’s cold, windy and wet outside, a Christmas market might not be everyone’s cup of tea (or punsch). We have put together a list of Christmas-themed events and activities in Vienna where you can spend the festive season indoors – warm and cosy. Christmas with kids in Vienna is fun indoors as well as outdoors!
With a little advance planning, we hope you can find something exciting to do for the whole family.
Please note, pre-bookings are always welcome and many events sell out quickly.
Christmas Markets with indoor activities/areas for children – Vienna
Kinder-Christkindlmarkt am Rathausplatz with „Kidspavillion“ (Kinderhütte)
- 10.12, 15.00-16.00 Spannende Lesungen in der Kinderhütte am Christkindlmarkt
- 17., 23.12 15.00 – 17.00 Der Kasperl kommt in die Kinderhütte am Christkindlmarkt
8.-10.12, 15.-17.12 Adventmarkt Verkehrsmuseum Remise – Wärmestube, Basteln, Kasperl
Weihnachtsmarkt Schloss Schönbrunn – exciting program for children outdoors in the market area
TIP: The Schönbrunn Children’s Museum has put together a great programme for children: crafts, themed tours (also with hand puppets), quizzes, rallies, St Nicholas visit. Most of the events are included in museum admission. Highly recommended!
Winter Wonderland Schönbrunn – the magical park of lights (tickets from 9eur for children) provides an extra festive atmosphere.
24.11 – 23.12, Fr to Sun Blumengärten Hirschstetten, Ausstellung „Weihnchtsmärchen“
Theater, Music, Art
18.11 – 26.12.2023 Themenführung: Es weihnachtet im Kindermuseum, Schloss Schönbrunn
2.12 – 24.12.23 Hase Hoppla und der Weihnachtsbaum, Theater Lilarum
8.12, 9.12 Frau Holle, Märchenbühne Der Apfelbaum
11.12 Adventwersktatt mit Adventsgeschichten, Die Lesewerkstatt
16., 17., 22., 23., 24.12 Die heilige Nacht, Märchenbühne Der Apfelbaum
17.12, 18.12, 23.12 KLASSIK COOL! Frau Holle, Haus der Musik
21.12 Lesewerkstatt – Schattenspiel „Es klopft bei Wanja in der Nacht“, Careccino, 1120
22.12 Bilderbuch Kino und Cookies, Wolkenspielraum, 1120
23.12 – 26.12 Die Weihnachtshexe, Kinderoper in der Krypta
08.12, 16.12 Weihnachten im Stall, Kunterbunte Erlebniswelt, 1170
12.12, 17.12 Was hat der lachende Buddha mit dem Nikolaus gemeinsam?, Weltmuseum
More theatre and concerts for children and babies in December
Klassik Cool! – Mitmachkonzerte, Babykonzerte
Cabarett Niedermair – kids theater
Christmas baking
09.12 Mein Essbarer Christbaum Schmuck, Little Tasters bei Babette’s, 1010
09.12 Lebkuchen-Werkstatt with creative Programm, Laba-Kreativ Camp, 1090
10.12, 17.12 Kekse backen mit Ernährungsexpertin, Kulturzentrum Spittelberg, 1070
19.12 Oma Oli’s Weihnachtsbäckerei, Kinderspiel Cafe, 1030
DIY and Crafts – make a unique Christmas present
18.11 – 26.12.2023 Poldis Bastelwerkstatt zu Weihnachten, Schloss Schönbrunn
08.12.2023 Es weihnachtet sehr!, Bastelnworkshop (6-10 jahre), Atelier Sours, 1160
9.12, 16.12 Weihnachtsbasteln, Zwergerlparadies, 1210
13.12, 20.12 Weihnachtsbasteln im Planet Lollipop, 1110
21.12 Wichtelwerkstatt, Kinderwerkstatt Wien, 1070
19.12 Weihnachtsbasteln, Little Suns, 1210
22.-23.12 Workshop für Kinder: nachhaltiger Weihnachtsstern, Ikea Wien Westbahnhof
27.-29.12. GVVZ: Geschenkverpackungs-Verwertungszentrale, aus Geschenkpapier Skulpturen bauen, 6 – 13 Jahre, Mumok
Celebrating Christmas with toddlers and babies – Xmas-themed baby cafes and playrooms
15.12 Winterfest, Careccino, 1120
15.12 Paw Patrol Spielenachmittag, Spieleraum Kunterbunt, 1220
21.12 Adventnachmittag/ Christkindlwerkstatt, Lemoni, 1160
22.12 Adventfrüstück, Little Suns, 1210
22.12 Weihnachtscafe, Biolino-Institut
23.12 Christmas Stories und Cookies, Wolkenspielraum, 1120
23.12 Weihnachtliches Spielecafé, Lemoni, 1160
Museums with kids’ activities and program
If you want to leave some room for spontaneous decisions and visits, there are always museums where you can book an event at short notice or just enjoy the visit.
Technisches Museum – indoor playrooms, exhibitions
Naturhistorisches Museum – Guided tours (babies and from 6yo) Ab in die Arktis! & Tiere im Winter
Weltmuseum – Digitale Rätselrallye
Haus der Musik Children concerts
(Another great source of inspiration for events and activities is WienXtra.)
Babbily organic winter thermo-leggings
To enjoy the Christmas festivities, warm clothes are a must in winter. Babbily’s brushed organic cotton winter thermo-leggings are warm, cosy, comfortable and easy to wear. Just slip them on and your child is ready for the festivities indoors or out.
Babbily grow-along trousers and leggings are not only super comfortable, but also exceptionally durable, replacing 3-4 standard pairs, saving your wallet and the planet. Our play leggings and trousers for kids are the smart choice for parents who value quality and durability. Say goodbye to constantly replacing torn pairs and say hello to trousers that keep up with your child’s adventures.